The Spel-Lang Tree: Roots

The Spel-Lang Tree: Roots is an innovative developmental, very carefully sequenced word study program designed for first grade students or for children who have not yet mastered sound/symbol relationships. It integrates the teaching of handwriting, phonics in context, spelling, sentence structure and grammar. Each basic lesson can be completed in about twenty minutes. Supplementary activities may be used at the teacher's discretion.

Download The Spel-Lang Tree: Roots

  • The Spel-Lang Tree: Roots is an innovative developmental word study program for first grade which integrates the teaching of handwriting, phonics in context, spelling, sentence structure and grammar. Specific areas of instruction include phonemic awareness (the sounds of the language), letter names, letter forms, left to right progression, concept of word, vocabulary development, alphabetical order, sentence building, and grammatical usage. In addition, math skills of estimating, sorting, and graphing in a meaningful context are included in the child's daily work.
  • This teacher's manual presents the curriculum in a way that will keep an entire class on task for one twenty-minute period of the school day and offers possibilities for meaningful seatwork, either individually or through cooperative groups. Ideas for home-school interaction are also provided.
  • At the beginning of instruction, the teacher provides the correct model, then gradually releases the control of learning to the children themselves. The teacher, along with the child's parents, becomes a significant other in the child's quest to learn.
  • The program is also appropriate for remedial reading programs and home school use.
  • Only the teacher's manual and an unlimited supply of manuscript paper are necessary to implement the program. This results in a tremendous savings to schools in relation to programs which require individual workbooks for each child.